Ascentis, based in the North West of England, is a leading Awarding Organisation and Access Validating Agency providing cutting-edge qualifications for education, training and business. We are regulated by Ofqual, CCEA and Qualification Wales and licensed by the Quality Assurance Agency. We have been committed to delivering exceptional customer service and creating life-changing opportunities for all since 1975. 

Ascentis has developed an extensive portfolio including a range of regulated qualifications and customised provision for education providers in the UK and around the world, from literacy and maths qualifications, to Access to Higher Education Diplomas. As a recognised charity, we are committed to providing thousands of learners each year with clear progression routes to further learning and employment, helping them to achieve their lifelong aspirations.

Ascentis 位于英格兰西北部,是一家教育、培训和商业领域屡获殊荣的认证机构, 受(英国)评核及考试规例局(Ofqual), 课程、考试及评核委员会(CCEA)及威尔士资格认证署监管、与英国国家全球资格和技能信息中心(UK ENIC)紧密合作,并得到英国高等教育质量保证机构(QAA)认证。。我们致力于提供卓越的客户服务,为所有人创造改变生活的机会。 凭借50年的经验,Ascentis为英国以及世界各地的教育机构开发了诸多课程产品组合,包括一系列国家标准认证资格证书、行业与机构定制证书、英语及非英语资格证书,专业包括从英语读写和数学等级证书,到高等教育文凭。 作为注册公益非盈利机构,我们常年致力于为各类学员提供有效的进修和就业途径,帮助他们实现其长远的人生规划。

Our History

In 1975, tutors in a small number of Further Education Colleges and Universities decided that they were not happy with the qualifications available for adults who wanted to go on to university, so they created their own qualifications. Without realising it, these tutors had invented the first-ever Access to Higher Education qualifications, which would subsequently transform the lives of thousands of people. Ascentis was originally established in 1975 as Open College North West (OCNW), a cooperative scheme between universities including Lancaster, and Colleges of Further Education. 

1975 年,部分供职于英国大专与大学的老师们意识到大学提供给18岁以上希望在大学继续学业深造的成年人的桥梁课程十分有限,于是一起设计开发了自己的资格证书。学者们没有意识到他们创建了英国有史以来第一个非中学路径升大学的桥梁课程,这个课程改变了成千上万人的生活轨迹。Ascentis作为 兰卡斯特大学等当地大学与大专院校之间的合作项目于1975年正式成立,当时名为OCNW。

OCNW was the first ‘Open College’ in the UK and served the needs of its members for nearly 50 years with its high-quality programmes. At the same time, OCNW (subsequently Ascentis) began to develop additional qualifications to support the Access Programmes, in a wide range of subject and vocational areas and at all levels, and created on-line learning materials to support many of them. 

OCNW 是英国第一个“开放学院”,为英国本土的教育机构与学生提供了近50年的高质量教学支持。在此期间,Ascentis不断开发包括多学科课程与各领域职业培训,覆盖不同等级,并建立了自己的完善的线上教学支持资源。

Ascentis was incorporated as a company limited by guarantee in January 2009 and recognised as a charity the following April. The staff and resources were transferred from the former OCNW unincorporated association. Ascentis has been trading as an Awarding Organisation since 1st August 2009. Today Ascentis has around 400 customers in the UK and around the world, supports around 200,000 learners each year through its charitable activity. 


Our development in China


Since 2020, thousands of English teachers in China have been accredited through the Ascentis Teaching English certificate. In 2024, the first accredited offline education centre in China was launched in Shanghai, at International Finance College, Shanghai Lixin University of Accounting and Finance. The centre will provide learners with qualifications enabling them to proceed to and succeed at UK universities.

2020年开始Ascentis 逐步加强在中国的合作,培养认证了xxxx英语专业教师,更于2024年,在上海认证第一个在中国的线下教学中心 – 立信国际财经学院 。学生可通过在中心的学习,获取通向英国名校的必要资格。

To enhance the collaboration in China, we have created a strong in-country presence through our collaborative partner Sustainable Education Technology, with a representative in Shanghai. Sustainable Education Technology also has responsibilities in operational and marketing development for Ascentis's Recognised Teaching Centres in China on an ongoing basis. 


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