Access to HE Excellence Awards 2021-2022
Thank you to everyone who nominated learners for the Access to HE Excellence Awards. They are now closed for entries. Judging is taking place and winners will be announced shortly.
Over the last couple of years the pandemic has brought about huge changes to education, with many students facing new challenges to learning alongside the pressures of work, caring responsibilities and other commitments outside of the classroom. It is important that we recognise and celebrate the hard work and determination shown by Access to HE students, whatever the circumstances, so we are pleased to be accepting your learner nominations for this year’s Excellence Awards.
Please find the Excellence Awards Guidance below, along with the nomination forms for Outstanding Academic Achievement and Outstanding Commitment to Study.
Outstanding Academic Achievement:
Learners in this category should have excelled in their academic study by producing assessed work of an outstanding quality whilst on their Access to HE course.
Outstanding Commitment to Study:
Learners in this category will have shown outstanding commitment to their Access to HE studies.
All learners nominated for an award will receive a Certificate of Recognition from Ascentis.
Prize winners will receive a cheque for £400 and runners up will receive a cheque for £200.
For any further guidance please contact We look forward to receiving your nominations.