English and Maths (Stepping Stones to Functional Skills)
Discover the exciting enhancements across our Vocational and Technical qualifications in three priority areas Digital, Well-being and Sustainability, including FREE learner workbooks.
English & Maths Functional Skills qualifications coming soon. Find out more here.
Our English and Maths (Stepping Stones to Functional Skills) are mapped to the newly reformed Functional Skills subject content.
We have developed these qualifications to help learners build confidence and to really focus in on specific skills to enable them to progress onto the new Functional Skills.
These qualifications, available from Entry Level 1 to Level 1, reflect the increased challenge of the reformed Functional Skills and therefore fully prepare learners for progression onto Functional Skills.
The qualifications are broken down into individual bite-sized units to help learners ‘bridge the gap', become confident in their ability and allow progression onto Functional Skills.
Who are these qualifications for?
These qualifications are for learners over the age of 14 who intend to progress onto the newly reformed Functional Skills qualifications.
How can these qualifications be delivered?
These qualifications have been designed to be very flexible and can be delivered as stand-alone English and Maths qualifications or part of larger programmes of study. The Extended Award gives you the ability to pick and choose the units to make up the qualification. They can also be delivered as individual units making them flexible for learners with spiky profiles.
Why should I choose Ascentis?
- Controlled Assessments that can be delivered in the classroom environment
- All assessments are provided and available on-demand
- No assessment windows
- Flexibility to deliver roll on roll off programmes
- Unit certification, allowing centre to deliver individual units
Where can my learners progress from here?
- Functional Skills
- Into work
How do I get started?
For more information on our English and Maths qualifications please contact the Commercial Team on 01524 845046 or email hello@ascentis.co.uk. You can also book an online meeting at a time to suit you here.
If you wish to apply now, please download the Centre Recognition Form and/or Qualification Approval Form which are available on our Join Us page.