Coronavirus – Information and Advice for Access to HE Centres
Updated Thursday 27th August 2020
Ascentis is continuing to work with QAA in relation to Access to HE Qualifications.
QAA has an official page designated to Access to HE and COVID-19:
On Friday 3rd April 2020, the QAA confirmed that any learner currently registered on an Access to HE Diploma who is due to complete the course in July 2020, or is expecting to progress to HE in September / October 2020, will be awarded a diploma based on a combination of assessments completed prior to 20th March 2020, and estimated grades for units with submission dates after 20th March 2020.
We have recently circulated a set of support documents, devised in consultation with QAA, as well as other Access Validating Agencies (AVAs), which provide information about next steps, including results submission, internal moderation, external moderation, standardisation, and certification.
The Access to HE Quality Assurance Team will continue to communicate with Centre Coordinators in relation to supporting this process.
Access to HE students should contact their providers for further information in the first instance.
QAA’s publications for providers and students can be read in full at the links below:
Providers and students may also find it useful to attend QAA webinars to hear the latest developments. You can find details of upcoming webinars at the QAA Events page linked below:
Centre Coordinators can contact the relevant Ascentis Quality Assurance Manager directly, or email if they require any further information.
Access to HE Awarding Summer 2020
Access centres claiming under the Extended Regulatory Framework (ERF) will have received their results and have e-Certificates for their learners. If any centres have any questions regarding Access to HE, please contact Any learners that require information regarding results, must contact their centres (college, school or training provider).
Arrangements for Access to HE in September 2020
The Ascentis Quality Assurance Managers will have been in contact with Centre Co-ordinators regarding plans and arrangements for Access to HE in 2020-21.