Economic Effect During COVID-19 - Tees Valley
The Tees Valley region, like most regions across England, has been hit hard by Covid-19. You may already be aware that the economic impact of the pandemic on the area was deep and immediate, with over 11,000 more unemployment related claimants in February 2021 than February 2020, and at its peak 1 in 3 jobs furloughed.
As Tees Valley recovers from this economic impact, one area of focus is education and equipping local residents with the skillset to fill current job vacancies and prepare for the anticipated growth in demand. In the Local Skills Report for Tees Valley published March 2021, a number of key skill needs were identified.
Key skills needs:
- Increase the number of Tees Valley residents with higher level skills, whilst ensuring a parallel supply of higher-level jobs
- Increase the number of Tees Valley residents with intermediate level skills
- Reduce the number of Tees Valley residents with no qualifications
- Increase the number of the working age population with skills suitable for entry level employment opportunities
Ascentis Qualifications:
Here at Ascentis, we have a wide range of qualifications that are suitable for meeting the skill challenges faced by the region. In particular:
Our Ascentis Employability Qualifications are designed to help learners develop skills, attributes and values which will enable them to take steps into work or work placements. These qualifications are designed to meet the needs of employers as well as employees, and therefore help learners not only to secure employment, but to remain within it.
Our Ascentis Access to Higher Education Diplomas are for learners aged 19+ who do not have the qualifications required to enter HE. Each year around 30,000 learners in the UK take Access to HE courses and many go on to succeed in higher education and embark on life changing new careers.
If you have any questions or would like to discuss these qualifications in more detail, please click here to arrange a meeting.