What is the IDL Numeracy Screener?
The IDL Numeracy Screener has been developed with input from Judy Hornigold, independent maths education consultant and dyscalculia specialist. It provides a simple-to-use online test highlighting any dyscalculic tendencies or number SEN. The numeracy test takes around 15 minutes and is perfect for screening pupils aged up to 11. It can screen an entire year group or individual pupils showing signs of math anxiety or math difficulties.
• Step 1: Pupils complete a 15-minute online test that uses audio-visual delivery with clear instructions. You can test an unlimited number of pupils individually or as a group.
• Step 2: Review the pupils' scores instantly. The screener provides scoring on reaction time, number sense, number value, arithmetic, visual memory, auditory memory, visual pattern memory, number stroop and sequencing.
•Step 3: Pinpoint areas for further assistance or intervention.
•Step 4: Implement further intervention or learning support. IDL can help with their IDL Numeracy software.
While the Screener won't give a dyscalculia diagnosis, it will indicate which maths principles a student is struggling with and, therefore, assist with individual assessment, further intervention, and lesson planning.